It's never too late to follow your dreams
I started my fitness career later than most people would normally start. But in my belief, if you love what you do then age is only a...
Yoga, is my home
Born and raised on Long Island, NY I always felt that I never truly fit in, no matter how hard I tried. For starters, it didn't help that...
The People's Hero
When I was little I often struggled to fit in. I often craved to feel like I belonged in with the "Group, " the cool club… the "Elite." ...
The Blood Moon, July 2018
July 27/28th 2018, the Blood Moon. When a full moon happens during a lunar eclipse, it is called a blood moon. This particular lunar...
Goal Setting for Excellence
How does one define excellence? So many aspects of our lives provide platforms for which we can strive to achieve success. For some of...
A brief history of Surya Namaskar, International Yoga Day, June 21st
Historically, the sequence of poses, now known as “Surya Namaskar”, or Sun Salutations may have been developed from an early morning...
Memorial Day Authenticity: Honoring Growth in a Season of Change
How to we continue to find the strength to strive to be out best selves?