Young Living Essentail Oils Raindrop technique is a powerful technique using essential oils that was developed by D. Gary Young in the 1980s. It combines several holistic modalities to bring balance and alignment to the body in a non-invasive manner. It also stimulates all the body systems on a physical and emotionally level.
What is Raindrop Technique?
This technique involves applying therapeutic grade essential oils to the spine, neck and feet. The session lasts about an hour however the benefits may last up to a week or more. Gary found that combining several holistic techniques, described below, created a synergistic effect for the body.
The three modalities that combine to form Raindrop Technique are:
Raindrop technique uses seven single essential oils, two blends and one essential oil massage blend during the session. It is congruent with the French application of aromatherapy where essential oils are applied NEAT (undiluted) to the body.
Vita Flex Technique
Vita Flex was brought to the US in the 1920s by Stanley Burroughs. It is an ancient Tibetan healing methodology meaning "vitality through the reflexes." Its theory is based on the fact that slight pressure applied to the body creates an electric charge that is therapeutic to the body. This is known as piezoelectric.
Feather Stroking
This is similar to a massage term technique called effleurage. But this technique was actually termed by the Native American Indians.
What are the Benefits of Raindrop Technique?
There are numerous benefits of the Raindrop Technique. Here are a few:
Balance and Re-align the Energy Centers of the Body: The combination of techniques brings electrical and structural alignment to the body. The essential oil blend of Valor helps the body align and is often referred to as "chiropractor in the bottle".
Non-Manipulative Technique: No manipulation as in chiropractic is performed. The oils help support the body to come back into balance by opening energy flow throughout the body.
Reduce Stress and Minor Anxiety: Not only can the oils enhance positive emotions such as joy and happiness, but they can also help us release negative emotions that are subconsciously stored on a cellular level.
Aid the Body's Natural Response to Irritation and Injury: Thyme and Oregano support the immune, respiratory, nervous, and other body systems. They are strong antioxidants. Ease Occasional Muscle, Bone, and Joint Discomfort. Muscles that are sore, spastic or stressed will also benefit. Basil, Wintergreen, Marjoram, Cypress and Peppermint essential oils reduce tension in muscles. Wintergreen supports healthy bone structure. Improve Immune System Functions. Thyme and Oregano essential oils support the immune system; and aid in the release of toxins in the body. This will contribute positively to your overall health and well being. Emotional Well Being and Release. Essential oils cross the blood-brain barrier and effect the limbic system where emotions are stored in the "brain's emotional computer".
Help Detox the Body Systems: The oils being high in phenols cleanse cellular receptor sites and enhance cleansing of the body.
Increase in Height : Yes, most people experience a slight increase in their height! I have seen changes from ½ to 1 inch! This is due to the realignment of the spine and detoxification along the spinal column. And many more!
What Essential Oils are used in the Raindrop Technique?
These are the oils that are used in Raindrop Technique! Click on each oil to learn more about the oil and find out the other benefits of using these fantastic oils. Valor Essential Oil Blend Thyme Essential Oil Basil Essential Oil Wintergreen Essential Oil Marjoram Essential Oil Cypress Essential Oil Peppermint Essential Oil AromaSiez Essential Oil Blend Oregano Essential Oil Ortho Ease Essential Oil Massage Blend Raindrop therapy technique is now available at Medwellspa, Farmingdale Wellness by trained Raindrop therapy professionals. It is not a massage therapy treatment, although Young Living Essential oils can be added to your regularly scheduled massage therapy appointment as an upgrade.
Call today to schedule and inquire about Raindrop Therapy at 516.755.5855. Pricing available upon request.
Interested in Young Living Essential Oils?
Young Living is available for retail purchase in-house or by special order.
We offer free shipping within 5 business days of placing any special order for essential oils that you wish to purchase.
You can become a member of Young Living Essential Oils by signing up for your 10 oil starter kit with a diffuser for $160 plus tax and shipping.
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